Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bloomz Quilt

I love having a lazy Saturday! I think we underestimate the value of "stopping and smelling the roses" in the crazy-busy lives that we lead nowadays. I don't think that I've ever regretted chosing to snuggle with my hubby instead of sweeping the floor. Amazingly enough...the floor waited :)So what have I been up to quilting-wise? Well, I finished quilting and delivering my Bloomz quilt to one of our nurses. I designed this quilt as a mystery quilt (I'll add the link to that at the end of the post), but the colors I used in my sample were soooo Pam.

She's a fun spirit and I knew that this one would be perfect for her. The quilting machine I rented decided to go kaput towards the end, so I had to finish quilting it on my home machine...but that's worked out just fine. I'm still learning and I did have trouble controlling the quilting machine, so my stitching isn't as good as I would have liked. I do like the overall effect though and the imperfections sure don't take away from the love that went into the quilt :) All of the quilting was done free hand. Here are some pictures:
Quilt loaded and partially quilted on the HQ Fusion.

Here it is on my home quilting machine

Quilting in the flowers

Leaf quilting in signature blocks

Quilting in the borders

Here's the link to the pattern:Bloomz Quilt

Have a happy Saturday!

"My soul is fed with needle and thread"


Coyote Quilts said...

What a great quilt! Love the colors. So bright and cheery.

Tangos Treasures said...

Looks great!! She's gonna love it!!